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About First Lutheran Church

We Live, We Love,
We Serve

First Lutheran Church of Stone Lake was founded in 1933.  Since then we have been a vital part of the Stone Lake Community.  Our members are active in a variety of programs throughout the community and are always looking for new ways to serve others. 


One way we serve our community is by organizing the Stone Lake Vacation Bible School every summer.  This year that will be held July 11-15.  A special thank you goes to the Cranberry Festival who provides funds for us to hold this special program.

Our Beliefs

We are members of the ELCA (The Evangelical Lutheran Church in America --  For us that means that we worship and live in the tradition of the Lutheran Church.  We are saved by God's grace through faith.  We worship joyfully and serve in our community and in our world with grace and humility.  For us, the church is not a building, but the people of God active in faith.  Come and join us in ministry and worship all year round!  For the time being, mask wearing is optional.


We wish to thank all of you for your patience and kindness throughout these past few years as we journeyed together through the uncharted waters of coronavirus.  God bless you all!

Our Pastor



Ed Anderson

This is Pastor Ed Anderson, who has been a Lutheran minister since 1982.  After serving nearly 30 years in South Dakota, he returned to his roots in Northern Wisconsin.  He loves the Lord, his family, and now that he is retiring on July 3rd, will be able to go to more baseball games!

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